Sorabada - A site for easily exploring Japanese media content

소라바다sorabadaSorabada - A site for easily exploring Japanese media contentSorabadaSorabada is a website that provides free access to popular Japanese media content in Korea. The latest address and domain information of Sorabada's homepage are provided as a direct link to the site, so you can access them and receive guidance.Why we need Sorab

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Ha-seong Kim, Shin-soo Choo and Hyun-jin Ryu, who broke the SD safety device, can sign contracts. The numbers say so

In January 2021, San Diego and Kim Ha-seong (27) signed a 4+1 year contract. An average of $7 million per year for four years, a total of $28 million, and the remaining +1 year is determined by mutual agreement.At the time of the contract, +1 year seemed to be a safety device for both Kim Ha-seong and San Diego. From Kim Ha-seong's point of view, i

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